This is a documentation that resume informations that was needed to code the libsyndicate.
Thanks to :
The author of this document is Paul Chavent (valefor at icculus dot org).
The Syndicate version covered by this document is the one for PC.
This is a list of files with the type of data. Types of data are defined in section 2.2.
The prefix 'h' could mean Hight resolution. For example there are HPOITNER.DAT and LPOINTER.DAT.
The prefix 'm' could mean menu.
The prefix 'i' could mean intro.
Table 1: Table of files.
File Type Comment COL01.DAT MapColumn Gives the type for each of the 256 tiles GAME[xx].DAT Game The description of the games HBLK01.DAT MapTile The 256 base tiles that compund maps HELE-0.ANI SpriteElement The descriptions of sprite elements HFNT01.DAT Font FIXME : don't know for what is it used ? HFRA-0.ANI SpriteFrame The descriptions of sprite frames HPAL01.DAT Palette 5*palettes for maps HPAL02.DAT Palette HPAL03.DAT Palette HPAL04.DAT Palette HPAL05.DAT Palette HPALETTE.DAT Palette FIXME HPOINTER.DAT SpriteData 2*arrow, pick, target, pointers HPOINTER.TAB SpriteTab HREQ.DAT GameFont Fonts used for the game screen HSPR-0.DAT SpriteData 2*sprites for maps HSPR-0.TAB SpriteTab HSTA-0.ANI SpriteAnim The descriptions of sprite anims INTRO.DAT Fli Animation for the introduction INTRO.XMI Music Music for the introduction ISNDS-0.DAT SoundData FIXME ISNDS-0.TAB SoundTab FIXME ISNDS-1.DAT SoundData FIXME ISNDS-1.TAB SoundTab FIXME MAP[xx].DAT MapData Map data (tiles reconstitution) MBRIEF.DAT Fli MBRIEOUT.DAT Fli MCONFOUT.DAT Fli MCONFUP.DAT Fli MCONSCR.DAT Raw MDEBRIEF.DAT Fli MDEOUT.DAT Fli MENDLOSE.DAT Fli MENDWIN.DAT Fli MFNT-0.DAT SpriteData 2*The menu fonts (rle encoded) MFNT-0.TAB SpriteTab MGAMEWIN.DAT Fli MISS[xx].DAT Mission Defines the mission objectives etc. MLOGOS.DAT Raw MLOSA.DAT Fli MLOSAOUT.DAT Fli MLOSEGAM.DAT Fli MMAP.DAT Fli MMAPBLK.DAT Raw MMAPOUT.DAT Fli MMINLOGO.DAT Raw MMULTI.DAT Fli MMULTOUT.DAT Fli MOPTION.DAT Fli MOPTOUT.DAT Fli MRESOUT.DAT Fli MRESRCH.DAT Fli MSCRENUP.DAT Fli MSELECT.DAT Fli MSELECT.PAL Palette Palette for the menus MSELOUT.DAT Fli MSPR-0.DAT SpriteData 2*The menu sprites (rle encoded) MSPR-0.TAB SpriteTab MTITLE.DAT Fli SAMPLE.AD Audio/sound SAMPLE.OPL Audio/sound SOUND-0.DAT SoundData SOUND-0.TAB SoundTab SOUND-1.DAT SoundData SOUND-1.TAB SoundTab SYNGAME.XMI Music
This is a list of types.
Table 2: Table of types.
The field are integers only, so we will use the standard int types. We prefix them with le_ if it's coded in little endian, with be_ else. For example, if a field is a 16 bit unsigned integer, coded in little endian we call it le_uint16_t.
We will also use a base type called Block. They will be explained later.
The files are compressed with a tool called Pro-Pack from Rob Northen Computing.
There are two main parts
struct Header { be_uint32_t _signature; be_uint32_t _unpacked_lentgh; be_uint32_t _packed_lentgh; be_uint16_t _unpacked_crc; be_uint16_t _packed_crc; be_uint8_t _unknown; be_uint8_t _pack_count; } _header; |
The signature is always 0x524E4301 (ie the string "RNC ").
The compressed data should be read as a stream by block of 16 bits (big endian) as in the example on figure 1.
At the begining of the stream there are two unknown bits. We can skip them (don't know what there are for now).
Then the compressed data are divided in pack. The number of pack is given by the header field _pack_count.
Each pack begin with three huffman tables1. The structure of a table is :
The first table is a raw table, the second is a distance table and the third is a length table.
Then there is 16 bits that give the chunk count.
A chunk is (see figure 2) :
The raw length is given by the first huffman table and next bits of the stream. The raw length next bytes (aligned on 16 bits) are sent to the output.
The distance is given by the second huffman table and next bits of the stream. The distance is the offset from the current output of the pattern. We have to add 1 to the value given by the table.
The length is given by the third huffman table and next bits of the stream. The length is the length of the pattern to copy to the output. We have to add 2 to the value given by the table.
The Palette files are : HPAL[xx].DAT, HPALETTE.DAT, MSELECT.PAL.
Their structure is :
struct Palette { struct Color { uint8_t _r; uint8_t _g; uint8_t _b; } _rgb[256]; }; |
There are 16 colours defined, and the value are between 0 and 63 (ie 7 bits).
For an 8 bits system, we need to scale the values between 0 and 255.
The Font file is : HFNT01.DAT.
His structure is :
struct Font { struct Table { le_uint16_t _offset; le_uint8_t _width; le_uint8_t _height; le_uint8_t _line_offset; } _tab[128]; le_uint8_t _data[]; }; |
The pixel are coded with one bit.
If the width is strictly less than 8, each line is coded as le_uint8_t where each bit represent a pixel.
If the width is greater or equal than 8, each line is coded as le_uint16_t where each bit represent a pixel. So the first pixel is the eightith bit, the last pixel is the seventh.
FIXME : find a better name for this.
The Req file is : HREQ.DAT.
His structure is :
struct Req { struct Entry { Block840 _lines[_height]; le_uint8_t _spares[16]; } _entries[]; }; |
These data are fonts. They are 8 width and 16 height. The pixel are packed by line. So we have 16 block of 8 pixels and zero alpha channel.
A block of 8 pixel is 16 bytes. The pixels are coded on 4 bits in little endian.
So they are coded as follow :
struct Block840 { le_uint32_t _bit_0; le_uint32_t _bit_1; le_uint32_t _bit_2; le_uint32_t _bit_3; }; |
So bit 0 of pixel 0 is the 7th bit of _bit_0 and bit 0 of pixel 32 is the 24th bit of _bit_0.
FIXME : some fields are unknown. Moreover there isn't alpha channel, so should we consider a value as transparent ?
The MapData files are : MAP[xx].DAT.
His structure is :
struct MapData { le_uint32_t _nb_i; le_uint32_t _nb_j; le_uint32_t _nb_k; le_uint32_t _offset[_nb_i * _nb_j]; le_uint8_t _tile[??? * _nb_k]; }; |
For example, if we want the tile at (i;j;k), it is _tile[_offset[j * _nb_i + i] * _nb_k + k]
The figure 3 illustrate the components of a map.
The MapColumn file is : COL01.DAT.
His structure is :
struct MapColumn { le_uint8_t _type[256]; }; |
This file give the type of each tiles from HBLK01.DAT :
enum ColType { None, SlopeSN, SlopeNS, SlopeEW, SlopeWE, Ground, RoadSideEW, RoadSideWE, RoadSideSN, RoadSideNS, Wall, RoadCurve, HandrailLight, Roof, RoadPedCross, RoadMark, NbTypes }; |
I think that we can use this file to deduce if a tile is walkable and its color for the minimap.
For example, we could say that a tile is walkable :
if((None < type_k && type_k != HandrailLight && type_k < NbTypes) && (None == type_k+1 || type_k+1 == HandrailLight || type_k+1 == NbTypes)) { tile_k is walkable } |
For the minimap it is not linear, it seems to be more complicated than associate a type to a colour.
The MapTile file is : HBLK01.DAT.
His structure is :
struct MapTile { le_uint32_t _offset[256][6]; struct Subtile { Block32 _lines[16] } _subtile[986]; }; |
A tile is 64 pixels width and 48 pixels height. It is compound of 6 subtiles.
Each subtile is 32 pixels width and 16 pixels height. The pixel are packed by line. So we have 16 block of 32 pixels.
A block of 32 pixel is 20 bytes. The pixels are coded on 5 bits in big-endian : one for the transparency and 4 for the index in the palette :
So they are coded as follow :
struct Block32 { be_uint32_t _alpha; be_uint32_t _bit_0; be_uint32_t _bit_1; be_uint32_t _bit_2; be_uint32_t _bit_3; }; |
The figure 4 illustrate the components of a map tile.
The SpriteAnim file is : HSTA-0.ANI.
His structure is :
struct SpriteAnim { le_uin16_t _indexes[]; } |
This is an array of frame index. So the first frame of the 5th animation is given by _indexes[5]. Then the others frames are given in the SpriteFrame array.
The figure 5 illustrate the components of an animation.
The SpriteFrame file is : HFRA-0.ANI.
His structure is :
struct SpriteFrame { struct Frames { le_uint16_t _first; le_uint8_t _width; le_uint8_t _height; le_uint16_t _flags; le_uint16_t _next; } _frames []; // FIXME : give the number of frames }; |
This is an array of frame descritpion. A frame has a width, height, some flags and is compound of sprite elements. The index of the first sprite element is _first. This is an index (not an offset) in the Sprite Element tab file (see 3.10). The index of the next frame is given by _next. The frame index automatically loop to the first frame.
The _flags field seems to be 0x0100 when it is the first frame of an animation.
The frame 1450 is the persuadotron in the inventory. Then every 6 index, there is the next weapon.
The SpriteElement file is : HELE-0.ANI.
His structure is :
struct SpriteElement { struct Element { le_uint16_t _sprite; le_int16_t _x_offset; le_int16_t _y_offset; le_uint16_t _x_flipped; le_uint16_t _next; } _elements[]; // FIXME : give the number of elements }; |
The _sprite field give the index (not an offset) in the sprite tab file (see 3.11). The _next is the index of the next element. If it is zero there isn't any more elements. The _x_flipped attribut tells if it is horizontaly flipped.
The SpriteTab file are : HPOINTER.TAB, HSPR-0.TAB, MFNT-0.TAB, MSPR-0.TAB.
Their structure is :
struct SpriteTab { struct Entry { le_uint32_t _offset; le_uint8_t _width; le_uint8_t _height; } _entries[]; // FIXME : give the number of entries }; |
The offset give the number of bytes to skip from the begining of the sprite data file (see 3.12).
FIXME : give the apropriate palette for each file.
The SpriteData file are : HPOINTER.DAT, HSPR-0.DAT, MFNT-0.DAT, MSPR-0.DAT.
Their structure is :
struct SpriteData { le_uint16_t _nb_sprites; union { Block8 _blocks[]; le_uint8_t _rle[]; } _data; }; |
The sprite datas are encoded as lines of pixels (structured as block) or as rle datas.
The _nb_sprite field gives the number of sprites. It seems that when it is not zero, the data are encoded as rle (the flag is 0x0053 for MSPR-0.DAT and 0x00CD for MFNT-0.DAT). Else, the datas are encoded as lines of pixels (structured in blocks).
If the pixel are packed by line, each line is one or more block of eight pixels. A block is 5 bytes : one for the transparency and 4 for the index in the palette.
The Mission file are : MISSXX.DAT. They contain text and available in 4 language :
Each string is separated with an EOL (0x0a). Other separator is the pipe '|' (0x7c).
The Game file are : GAMEXX.DAT.
Their structure is :
struct GameStruct { le_uint8_t _header[6]; le_uint16_t _offsets[128][128]; le_uint16_t _offset_ref; // (32774) struct Pedestrian _pedestrians[256]; // 0x0:8008 (32776) struct Vehicle _vehicles[64]; // 0x0:DC08 (56328) struct Object _objects[400]; // 0x0:E688 (59016) struct Weapon _weapons[512]; // 0x1:1568 (71016) struct Sfx _sfx[256]; // 0x1:5D68 (89448) struct Scenario _scenarios[2048]; // 0x1:7B68 (97128) le_uint8_t _unkn08[448]; // 0x1:BB68 (113512) struct Mapinfos _mapinfos; // 0x1:BD28 (113960) struct Objectives _objectives[10]; // 0x1:BD36 (113974) le_uint8_t _unkn11[1896]; // 0x1:BD98 (114114) }; |
The header could be seeds for example (FIXME, not sure).
The _offsets field is an array that represent the tiles of the map (every map are 128x128 tiles). The values plus 32774 give an offset in this file that is the entity placed on this tile. The resulting offset can be 98309 max and only peds, vehicle, objects and weapons can be indexed.
It is used for the minimap in the breifing menu. As a clue, for the first level, there are three red points, that are in the _offsets array. It is also probably (not sure) used for te minimap in the game.
The values for offset are :
The _unkn08 field is an array of 2048 structures of 8 bytes. Perhaps it as something to do with A.I.
The _unkn11 field is an array of 129 structures of 15 bytes.
There are 116010 bytes in all files.
The Pedestrian, Vehicle, Object and Weapon have a common header like this :
struct { le_uint16_t _offset_next; le_uint16_t _offset_prev; le_uint16_t _tile_i; le_uint16_t _tile_j; le_uint16_t _tile_k; le_uint8_t _unkn10; le_uint8_t _unkn11; le_uint8_t _unkn12[2]; le_uint16_t _index_base_anim; le_uint16_t _index_current_frame; le_uint16_t _index_current_anim; le_int16_t _health; le_uint16_t _offset_unknown; le_uint8_t _type; le_uint8_t _status; le_uint16_t _orientation; }; |
The _offset_prev and _offset_next plus 32774 gives the offset in this file of the previous and next entity. This is probably used for drawing the scene. I think that for drawing the scene the pseudo-algo could be :
for (k = 0; k < max_k; k++) for(j = 0; j < 128; j++) for(i = 0; i < 128; i++) draw(tile[j * 128 + i]); if(_offsets[j * 128 + i]._tile_k >> 8 == k) entity = _offsets[j * 128 + i] while(entity) { draw(entity) entity = entity._offset_next } |
The _tile_* give the location of the entity on the map along i, j or k. Each tile is a cube of side 256x256x128 (see fig. 3). We can deduce the tile id dividing by 256 (along i and j) or 128 (along k).
The _unkn10 is unknown but contain 0x04 for peds, 0x05 for weapons (FIXME check this).
The _index_base_anim give an index (not an offset) in the file HSTA-0.ANI. It is the base offset for the animation of this ped.
The _index_current_frame give an index (not an offset) in the file HFRA-0.ANI. It is the current frame of the current animation displayed.
The _index_current_anim give an index (not an offset) in the file HSTA-0.ANI. It is the current animation.
The _health give the ressources of the element. For a pedestrian it will be the health, for a weapon, the amo. I'am not sure it's alwas a signed int.
The _offset_unknown added to 32774 give an offset in this file. This seems to be a kind of “dependency” (see section 3.14.2).
The _type give the type of objects :
For example, it allow to display a target or a pickup on the game screen or for the minimap.
The _status may contain informations about the status of the object, or for weapons the “subtype”.
The _orientation give the initial orientation (illustrated on fig. 6) of the element :
The _pedestrians is an array of 256 structures that describe pedestrians. This array is at adress 32776 (0x8008), and each structure is 92 bytes.
struct Pedestrian { // - 00 le_uint16_t _offset_next; le_uint16_t _offset_prev; le_uint16_t _tile_i; le_uint16_t _tile_j; le_uint16_t _tile_k; // - 10 le_uint8_t _unkn10; le_uint8_t _unkn11; le_uint8_t _unkn12; le_uint8_t _unkn13; le_uint16_t _index_base_anim; le_uint16_t _index_current_frame; le_uint16_t _index_current_anim; // - 20 le_int16_t _health; le_uint16_t _offset_last_enemy; le_uint8_t _type; le_uint8_t _status; le_uint16_t _orientation; le_uint8_t _unkn28; // when 01 pedestrian, 02 agent, 04 police, 08 guard : change IA and minimap le_uint8_t _unkn29; // - 30 le_uint16_t _unkn30; le_uint16_t _offset_of_persuader; le_uint16_t _unkn34; le_uint16_t _offset_of_vehicle; le_uint16_t _offset_scenario; // - 40 le_uint16_t _offset_scenario; le_uint16_t _unkn42; le_uint16_t _offset_of_vehicle; le_uint16_t _goto_tile_i; le_uint16_t _goto_tile_j; // - 50 le_uint16_t _goto_tile_k; le_uint8_t _unkn52[6]; le_uint16_t _offset_equipment; // - 60 le_uint16_t _mods_info; le_uint8_t _unkn62[6]; le_uint16_t _offset_cur_weapon; // - 70 le_uint8_t _unkn70; le_uint8_t _adrena_amount; le_uint8_t _adrena_dependency; le_uint8_t _adrena_effect; le_uint8_t _unkn74; le_uint8_t _inteli_amount; le_uint8_t _inteli_dependency; le_uint8_t _inteli_effect; le_uint8_t _unkn78; le_uint8_t _percep_amount; le_uint8_t _percep_dependency; le_uint8_t _percep_effect; le_uint8_t _unkn82; le_uint8_t _unkn83[9]; }; |
The _unkn10 seems to be 4.
The _health of our agent can be 0x10 maximum. When it is less than zero the ped should die.
The _sub_type is used for minimap for example (colored dots) and can be (FIXME):
The _offset_last_enemy is the offset of the last peds that hurt, or persuade this ped (Not realy sure).
The _offset_equipment + 32774 gives the offset in this file of the first equipment of this ped.
The _mods_info gives the level of the mods. It its a bitfield with two bits for each mods :
msb | lsb | ||||||||||||||
spare | brain | eye | heart | chest | arm | leg | gender |
. The gender is 1 for femele and 0 for male.
The _offset_cur_weapon + 32774 gives the offset in this file of the current weapon in use.
The IPA levels seems to have 4 bytes. At least 3 bytes are sure. They are discribed on the picture 7.
The _offset_scenario + 97128 gives the offset in this file of the first and/or current scenario (there are two fields).
The _vehicles is an array of 64 structures that describe vehicles. This array is at adress 56328 (0xDC08), and each structure is 42 bytes.
struct Vehicle { le_uint16_t _offset_next; le_uint16_t _offset_prev; le_uint16_t _tile_i; le_uint16_t _tile_j; le_uint16_t _tile_k; le_uint8_t _unkn10; le_uint8_t _unkn11; le_uint8_t _unkn12; le_uint8_t _unkn13; le_uint16_t _index_base_anim; le_uint16_t _index_current_frame; le_uint16_t _index_current_anim; le_int16_t _health; le_uint16_t _offset_last_enemy; le_uint8_t _type; le_uint8_t _sub_type; le_uint16_t _orientation; le_uint8_t _offset_of_ped; le_uint8_t _unkn30[13]; }; |
The _offset_of_ped + 32774 gives the offset in this file of the first ped in this vehicle.
The _objects is an array of 400 structures that describe objects (trees, doors, windows, etc.). This array is at adress 59016 (0xE688), and each structure is 30 bytes.
struct Object { le_uint16_t _offset_next; le_uint16_t _offset_prev; le_uint16_t _tile_i; le_uint16_t _tile_j; le_uint16_t _tile_k; le_uint8_t _unkn10; le_uint8_t _unkn11; le_uint8_t _unkn12; le_uint8_t _unkn13; le_uint16_t _index_base_anim; le_uint16_t _index_current_frame; le_uint16_t _index_current_anim; le_uint8_t _unkn20[4]; le_uint8_t _type; le_uint8_t _sub_type; le_uint16_t _orientation; }; |
The _sub_type can be :
The _weapons is an array of 512 structures that describe weapons. This array is at adress 71016 (0x11568), and each structure is 36 bytes.
struct Weapon { le_uint16_t _offset_next; le_uint16_t _offset_prev; le_uint16_t _tile_i; le_uint16_t _tile_j; le_uint16_t _tile_k; le_uint8_t _unkn10; le_uint8_t _unkn11; le_uint8_t _unkn12; le_uint8_t _unkn13; le_uint16_t _index_base_anim; le_uint16_t _index_current_frame; le_uint16_t _index_current_anim; le_uint16_t _nb_amos; le_uint16_t _unkn22; le_uint8_t _type; le_uint8_t _sub_type; le_uint16_t _orientation; le_uint16_t _offset_next_inventory; le_uint16_t _offset_prev_inventory; le_uint16_t _offset_owner; le_uint16_t _unkn34; }; |
The _sub_type can be :
The _nb_amos is the number of amos remaining. If the weapon is empty, it is equal to 0xffff (and the weapon is not selectable). The equipement table ?? give more information about each equipment (nb amo max, range, etc.).
FIXME : is there any info for the picture of the weapon in the inventory ?
The _sfx is an array of 256 structures that describe sfx (for the flamer, the gauss gun, etc.). This array is at adress 89448 (0x15D68), and each structure is 30 bytes.
struct Sfx { le_uint16_t _offset_next; le_uint16_t _offset_prev; le_uint16_t _tile_i; le_uint16_t _tile_j; le_uint16_t _tile_k; le_uint16_t _unkn10; le_uint16_t _unkn12; le_uint16_t _index_base_anim; le_uint16_t _index_current_frame; le_uint16_t _index_current_anim; le_uint16_t _unkn20; le_uint16_t _unkn22; le_uint16_t _unkn24; le_uint16_t _unkn26; le_uint16_t _offset_owner; }; |
The _scenarios is an array of 2048 structures that describe scenarios. This array is at adress 97128 (0x17B68), and each structure is 8 bytes.
struct Scen { le_uint16_t _next; le_uint16_t _offset; le_uint8_t _i_factor; le_uint8_t _j_factor; le_uint8_t _k_factor; le_uint8_t _type; }; |
The _next field give the offset of the next point from the begining of the structure.
The _offset field plus 32774 give an offset in this file.
The _i_factor, _j_factor and _k_factor fields gives (i,j,k) coordinates.
i = (_i_factor < < 7) | 0x0040 j = (_j_factor < < 7) | 0x0040 k = (_k_factor < < 7) | 0x0000 |
The _mapinfos is a structure that describe the map. This is at adress 113960 (0x1BD28), and the structure is 14 bytes.
struct Mapinfos { le_uint16_t _map; le_uint16_t _min_x; le_uint16_t _min_y; le_uint16_t _max_x; le_uint16_t _max_y; le_uint8_t _status; le_uint8_t _unkn11[3]; }; |
The _map gives the number of the map. For example, if _map is 9 the map we should open is MAP09.DAT.
The _status flag is set to 1 if the mission has been successfully completed.
The _objectives is an array of 10 structures that describe the objectives of the mission. This array is at adress 113974 (0x1BD36), and the structure is 14 bytes.
struct Objectives { le_uint16_t _type; le_uint16_t _offset; le_uint16_t _tile_i; le_uint16_t _tile_j; le_uint16_t _tile_k; le_uint8_t _status; le_uint8_t _unkn11[3]; }; |
The _type field can be : 0x00 ??? ,0x01 persuade, 0x02 assassinate, 0x03 protect, 0x05 equipment aquisition, 0x0a combat sweep (police), 0x0b combat sweep, 0x0d raid and rescue, 0x0e use/destroy vehicle, 0x10 evacuate.
The _offset + 32774 gives the offset in this file of the objective.
If “protect”, the next objective are the goals and their type is zero. The list finish with zero and the offset of the protected item ? FIXME.
The _status flag is set to 1 if the objective has to be completed.
The Fli files are : INTRO.DAT, ….
There are some specific informations about Bullfrog fli files at
A description of fli can be found at :
Other descriptions can be found at :
There are some difference with the original description. The header is :
struct { le_uint32_t _size; le_uint16_t _magic; le_uint16_t _frames; le_uint16_t _width; le_uint16_t _height; }; |
The _size give the size of the header.
These files gives raw pixels.
Table 3: Table of raw files.
File Nb of pictures Dimension of each picture MCONSCR 1 320x200 MLOGOS 40 32x32 MMAPBLK 50 64x44 MMINLOGOS 40 16x16
The games from 90 to 99 are used for multiplayer games. The others are the 50th.
Table 4: Matrix of games, missions and maps.
Games Mission Map Palette Country 01 01 01 2 Western Europe 02 02 02 3 Far East 03 03 03 4 Mongolia 04 04 04 5 Iran 05 05 05 1 California 06 06 06 2 Iraq 07 07 07 1 India 08 08 08 4 Northeast Territories 09 09 63 5 Kazakhstan 10 10 10 1 Eastern Europe 11 11 11 2 Western Australia 12 12 12 3 Kanchatka 13 13 13 4 Mozambique 14 14 20 5 Peru 15 15 18 1 Central Europe 16 16 19 2 Greenland 17 17 35 3 Alaska 18 18 38 4 Urals 19 19 34 5 Northern Territories 20 20 32 1 Scandinavia 21 21 39 2 Yukon 22 22 41 3 Siberia 23 23 90 4 Rockies 24 24 70 5 Southern States 25 25 91 1 Indonesia 26 26 92 2 Mexico 27 27 71 3 Zaire 28 28 72 4 Algeria 29 29 40 5 New England 30 30 67 1 Argentine 31 31 93 2 South Africa 32 32 60 3 Colorado 33 33 61 4 Sudan 34 34 62 5 Mid West 35 35 43 1 Lybia 36 36 31 2 Venezuela 37 37 56 3 Atlantic Accelerator 38 38 57 4 Arabia 39 39 58 5 Northwest Territories 40 40 63 1 Kenya 41 41 64 2 Mauritania 42 42 66 3 Newfoundland 43 43 65 4 New South Wales 44 44 80 5 Colombia 45 45 81 1 Nigeria 46 46 82 2 Brazil 47 47 50 3 Uruguay 48 48 51 4 Pacific Rim 49 49 53 5 Paraguay 50 50 54 0 China (Palette 0 !!! intresting !) 90 16 1 91 21 1 92 02 1 93 05 1 94 43 1 95 67 1 96 72 1 97 90 1 98 94 1 99 17 1
The menu sequence is depicted on figure 8.
Table 5: Table of equipements.
Item Cost Range Ammo Shot Persuadetron 5000 256 - (0x0032) - Pistol 0 1280 13 (0x000c) 0 Guass Gun 50000 5120 3 (0x0002) 15000 Shotgun 250 1024 12 (0x000b) 2 Uzi 750 1792 50 (0x0031) 2 Mini-Gun 10000 2304 500 (0x01f3) 10 Laser 35000 4096 5 (0x0004) 2000 Flamer 1500 512 1000 (0x03e7) 1 Long Ranger 1000 6144 30 (0x001d) 2 Scanner 500 4096 - (0x0013) - Medikit 500 256 1 (0x0001) 1 Time Bomb 25000 1000 - (0x00c7) - Access Card 1000 256 - (0x0000) - Energy Shield 8000 768 200 (0x00c7) 15
The _nb_amo max for each weapon is :
There are 68 agents :
An hexa editor is mandatory. Graphical, ones are handfull when you have to explore only one file a time. For an overview of all files, command line tools are better i think. For example, to see the objectives structures :
for i in `ls GAME*.DAT`; do echo $i; od -A x -j 113974 -N 98 -t x1 --width=14 $i; done | more |
To see what files are open, we can use :
# strace -e trace=open dosbox -conf dosbox.conf MAIN.EXE & |
Talk abouts strings.
I use the Memshot tool because it seems that GAMEXX.DAT files are mapped in memory. So if we use dosbox for running Syndicate, we can inspect the dynamic of data in memory.
For example :
# dosbox -conf dosbox.conf MAIN.EXE & |
# ps -e |
./MemshotFe GAME01.DAT [pid [59020 [4]]] ?> s |
?> l |
The game reinit if you took the shot at the begining of the level !
Probably a lot of things here !
This document was translated from LATEX by HEVEA.